I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


The thing about puddles is...

they're always filled with merc...i know what your thinking and yes, it bothers me too.

let's talk television and why fox wants arrested development to fail.

firstly, they claim the show wasn't popular at the 8:30 pm sunday slot. so they replaced it with that show with michael rappaport. are you serious? if anyone knows his character's name or the name of anyone else associated with that show, please by all mean, stab yourself in the eyes. moving on, i can't remember if season two remained on sunday night or not, but it's not all that important...i mean, how important is having all of the facts when you are trying to make a point? only jerks provide all of the information and i'm not a jerk...i'm a moron with a computer. anyway, so then after the miracle that was fox deciding to sign the show for a 3rd season, they put it on monday night. monday night is the equivalent to a popular/successful tv night as wingmen are to wanting to hang around after boning the hot girls fat friend...it's just not gonna happen. so it's no surprise the show didn't do well and now is cancelled....but wait, a 2 hour series finale!!! we could make a night of it...but no. fox has it in for this show. it goes head to head with the opening ceremonies of the olympics and boring as they may be, people who stay in on friday nights don't laugh ever and watching a comedy just isn't in the cards....advantage olympics, death to arrested development and in the illustrious words of chris gallahger, fuck the olympics.

but then there is that feeling i get while typing this....i think i'm addicted to fox television. not the crappy skating with celebraties crap, but prison break, 24, arrested development and house. damn, those shows are good. i can't get in the mood right now, but come monday night or tuesday, i'm all over 24.....wow, q.p. live just pointed out how i contradicted myself...24 is successful, arrested development is not and both were on monday night..but, but, but, before you call me a a-hole, let's reevaluate the situation. 24 is on at 9 pm and there is no football to compete with. A.D. was the lead up to MNF and if you are committing yourself to MNF, you don't necessarily have the time to devote that early hour to doing nothing, unless you are a student....or don't have a job

WOW, i just saw a commericial for prison break. i can't believe i'm still typing because usually i wet myself after seeing these commericials and then i have to go to the little girls room (because i spend all my time at my gashes apartment((plural gash)). so now that i'm in trouble for that comment let me get back to prison break...this wasn't your usual commericial. this bad boy was a montage and it was worth the free balling that is now tonight.


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