not much to say today
i spent the last few days in tucson arizona. i don't so much like the terrain there...or at least i don't like the rock and cactus paradise it is. i like the mountains and the possibility of seeing things that will bite you (like rattlesnakes and lizards and all sorts of other desert wildlife) but i'm not such a big fan of tons of sand, no water and one level house because a second floor would get too hot. rejects.
anyway, check out this sweet picture:

isn't that awesome? unfortunately, it's not a real story but imagine if it would...right? that would be sweet. it would use this picture:

to describe that guy.
WOW. totally just realized the racist potential of using one black guy to describe another black guy. i'm not racist i swear...and i'm not saying that black people are rapist. nor am i saying that stupid people are racist. nor am i saying that pictures of coolio looking mofukas with the sign "stupidity" above their heads are rapists, actually stupid, actually coolio lookin, or even actually black. it's not cool to make assumptions man.
but to avoid racist overtones, lets just say that this picture:

could also be described using this guy:

of course, that's the opposite. buddy jesus would never rape another person or pose under a stupid sign. or allow his image to be used under a stupid sign. but we're not talking jesus. we're talking buddy jesus. he'd totally into whatever is popular. maps...rape and pillage. you know, whatever's google.
imagine if google took over the shape of the universe? that would be totally google. actually, the more power they got, the more ooooo in gooooooooooogle.
and that makes me angry. down right pissed. there's only one person that can cheer me up. no. not buddy jesus. but an oldy but goody. my main man:

man, i miss him.
and to the person who commented on the last post, i don't know if clemens prorated deal brings the yankees over $200 million this season. he is getting $4.5 million per month and that comes to $18 million overall. i think they are around $180 million before, so this hopefully keeps them under....but then there is the luxury tax. oh well.
dear ed, i hope you get this by email in the same way you gave me the heads up about posting at
first off, i didn't know others could post on my blog. i was having trouble just getting people to comment. but posting is even better.
also, i was adding blogs to that section of my blog's main page and hesitated to link to your thing. i can't say that your post about racists, rapists, and salary caps didn't make me hesitate. but i can say that i like your content, your responses to my questions, and how often you post.
good luck keepin the eyes in working order. i'll holla
4:22 PM
It looks like Buddy Jesus used to be holding a bow and arrow. I mean, now he's making a gesture that I usually associate with the Long Island greasy guys I meet out on Saturday nights... but before he lost his weapon I bet he killed some mean game.
8:18 PM
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