I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


my bi-polar day

so i come to the office prepared for hopefully little or nothing to do...and i get little. but this is enough to make me not so pleased. i can't figure out why this is all morning and then it comes to me: i've been at work 6 straight days. then i realize it's about to come to an end.

i've spent the majority of the day walking between my office on the 8th floor and an attorney's office on the 9th floor. during this walk i have to go by the receptionist and a secretary friend of mine. on a good day, i like to shotaholla on the way by, but today was nothing more than a wave while looking straight ahead..real nice like.

anyway, about 3:40 rolls around and like i said above, i realize the 6 day work week is coming to an end and i starting walking back to my office, hands in pocket. i see myself in the reflection of one of the numerous pieces of artwork we have around the firm and it reminds me that at some of the jobs i worked before my change to corporate america, that having your hands in your pocket is not "professional". i've been told everything that is makes you look like you are up to something or that you are playing "pocket pool".

so, naturally, i need an answer to this question and who better to ask than my secretary friend now that i'm on the upside of my bipolarness. so i go through the lessons taught at other jobs, but i don't want to throw out the pocket pool excuse...it's like she can read my mind because she looks at me and drops the "maybe you should as a guy that question"

oops. stupid built in anti-filter. i should have seen this coming, but NO, not me, can't stop won't stop to quote one of the larger crackheads of central jersey.

anyway, this post is in stark contrast to my previous one, so i just wanted timmy to know i'm keeping him in mind.


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2:07 PM


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