
Yes, yes that is Alanis Morrisette. Yes, I did really put a picture of her up on my blog. Why? I'm listening to the last Tony Kornheiser show because he is going to work Monday Night Football games next year and he is going to start his research beginning next week, I guess. I really have no idea.
Anyway, the songs they play on the stream where commericials usually are take me back to when I was a high school girl. The first song they played was an Indigo Girls song and I couldn't help but think, A) Please don't anyone come into my office because there is an Indigo Girls song on and B) Man, this song kicks ass. I hope they don't cut it short.
that's right, I said it. But I couldn't justify an Indigo Girls picture on here because this blog is classy (as evidenced by the pictures in the previous posts). But then the next commericial break came and they played "Ironic" and I flashed back again to my high school days and was nostalgic. This has been a nostalgic week for me. My hair is shorter than it has been since high school, the briskness of the air reminds me of lacrosse practice at this time of year and summer is right around the corner. I remember when I had summers off. that was sweet. i never had good paying summer jobs, but i always had jobs that gave me plenty of free time and that was important. now, in my life as a fake corporate paralegal, i fill up as much of my time out of work as possible...
i had to stop myself there because i was embarrasing myself. not like mel last night who took off all of her clothes in a drunken stooper and exclaimed "This is what I looked like when I came out of the womb" but more like whatatool and that's just not right.
i have to go do something now.
countdown: 889
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