No reason at all

So i had this thought that gmail is on to me and now they aren't giving me what everyone else gets...and i think they spy on me. i made a comment yesterday that gmail doesn't like me because they didn't give me the calendar option and then this morning it just shows up all of a sudden. i made this comment during 24 and now i have the following theory. not only is 24 a show on fox designed by republicans to put fear in americans and therefore let them violate personal privacy more and more, but it is also a show that spies on the conversations of others who watch the show to see what goes through their heads while they are watching a show like that...add to that they partner with google. this makes perfect sense...i mean, afterall, gmail does read your email to put ads that are along the same lines as the emails you receive...big brother all over, it's a conspiracy.
anyway, so today i get to my computer and there it is...a calendar for me to ignore. anyway, so now it turns out i can't put a picture in my chat thing yet...they are totally pissed at me for writing about the not so awesome comments left by people on their chat messages. frickin spies.
so the cat was supposed to be my picture describing "they're on to me". they're not. i'm just not that threatening.
but i touched on something i'd like to go back to. imagine how much better television would be if they did have the technology to record what people talked about during shows like 24. people say some strange things. while timmy makes comments like "i'm so fucked up" at 9:37 on a monday night, you can only imagine what he's going to say at 9:51...and if that is in any way deciferable and applicable to 24, the writers could work it in and yada yada yada, the show would be even wackier than it is. but let's not focus on 24 because that show is the most unrealistic show since futurama. but what if they had this kind of stuff during shows like the simpsons/family guy/south park. cartoons with no need to keep the shows within any realm of reality. it could almost be like a talent search for the writers to pluck people from the entire show watching audience and in the end, it could make for a better show...or it could fail miserably and the world would be worse off for it in the end. i'm going with the latter on this one.
so anyway, scary picture of that cat right?
In a way you just described what they're trying to do with lost. While they cna't exactly hear what people are saying while the show is on they are reading eveything that the message boards are saying and making the show up as they go along. Combine that with a novel they released that isnt about the lost characters but reveals secrets about the island and the fake website they have started that combines a fake foundation with the foundation in the show with an interactive game that helps you egt into the mind of the people controlling the island and you have the next generation of TV. Although I'd rather have them combine smells with shows then have them be able to hear what I'm saying.
12:54 PM
1:43 PM
why is your email address evanleer? and not edvanleer? thanks. i really enjoy reading your diary.
9:10 PM
Dear dontyouhatepants-
9:26 AM
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