I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


First you plant the seed

and then you fuck the plant

it's mr. wetzel of wetzel's pretzels birthday. he successfully blew out the candles...it was most nostlgic. everyone had that feeling like it was slo mo and there was some eerily depressing indie rock song on in the background....naturally, i couldn't pass up the opportunity to ruin the moment so the "anal sex in '06" cheer had to come out...it worked, but it doesn't rhyme as good as more chicks in '06 which mcneary came up with, so i started "semantics in '06". it works well and it makes it really easy to piss people off. i recommend you try it sometime. and it's spreading, so feel free to spread the word...that is if you're a plagarizer and no one wants that...do you? didn't you learn that in 6th grade after you learned that when a vagina bleeds it't not blood?

and there we have it...the first stream o'consciouness comment that offends every female reader...i'm so proud of myself and at the same time WHY CAN'T I STOP. maybe a little overboard on the caps, but the alter ego made me do it...can't stop won't stop,right brent?


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