I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


ouch, my head hurts...a lot

so bert. i guess we didn't need that tequila shot after all, but you know what? merc happens

two quality websites were fiqured out last night. the first is a good one www.boobswithshirtsonthem.com essentially, this site would be to porn what the howard stern show on terrestrial radio. you would search around the site looking for that hidden shot of shirtless boob, but hell no. not on this site. this site is rated "g". it's fashion...and it's boobs. but they have shirts on, so it's cool.

the other is www.theantifilter.com. this would be a collection of everyone's thoughts and rantings. i'm pretty sure it would be 98% crappy, but that 2% would make spending the money on purchasing the domain name completely worth it.

and with that, i need to go curl up into the fetal position


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