I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...



I was just in a meeting. Nothing too intense, but I totally caught the backhand of the boss and the assistant boss. The worst part is, I don't think they realized it.

I did.

So, in the magical world of the paralegal, you are sometimes called upon to "cite-check". If you have ever read a brief or a motion or if you've ever watched Law & Order or heard someone mention a case, for ex. Brown v. Board of Education, I can explain it to you. Essentially, cite-checking is making sure all of the essential information is on paper when a case is mentioned and that it is formatted correctly. I am not good at it. It's tough to pick up. You need to run a report on a legal website that pulls all of the relevant information automatically from your motion. Once this happens, I never knew until yesterday that the bolded case with the arrow pointing to it was the one I wanted to focus on. I know how stupid that makes me sound but when you get 5 pieces of paper back for one case and the same cite is listed 10 times, just because one is bold doesn't mean shit to me...it should have.

So we're in said meeting and the boss says that I, using the solitary being name, made a good point and that people should know the bolded case is the one you want to focus on...then the assistant boss says, "and it also has an arrow pointing to it".

so it's bold and it has an arrow....

and now every other paralegal in the firm knows that i didn't know this.

thanks for choosing me and even more for giving me credit for this brilliant observation.

it's cool, i'm 2-3 years older than almost all the other paras, but at least they know i'm retarded.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean its bold AND has an arrow. what more do you want?

4:37 PM


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