You know what really grinds my gears?

Let me start this out that i like most anything google. While tedious at first, most google idea work out pretty darn well. and why this one is probably good and all, i just hate what people write.
i'm talking about the busy messages on google chats on gmail. i hate them. people put down any and everything. it's like putting a quote at the end of your email. does that quote mean anything to you specifically? does it make you feel a certain way that you wish to share with others? or is it that the quote best sums you up and gives us, the reader, a better clue as to the mysterious, troubled and deep soul that you are. i admit it, i used to use quotes at the end of my emails back when i first got an email account. i guess i just wanted to fit in and all but now i realize i was just looking for social acceptance because i was kind of paranoid on account of all the crack i was smokin...but i digress.
the picture above came up when i searched "crazy monkeys". it was the first one i saw and after searching for 10 minutes to come up with a good picture for this post, i gave up and went with a monkey wearing glasses...pretty frickin crazy, i know. what a rush.
anyway, back to these gchat comment things. why? why put them out there. if you are not online, your name will not appear on the side. but if your account is open, you have the right to say that you are busy and anyone trying to "chat" with you will be "interrupting". seriously? you mean you can have your inbox open at all times but you can't accept the IM version of an email? why not? if you are "busy" enough to need your inbox open all day then how your you "too busy" to receive an im? i don't get it.
i digress again because there is so much i don't like.
back to the personal philosophies on the gchat. how necessary are they? now there is a scale i'd like to use here. the informative ones like "at lunch" or "bonin in the bosses office" i can live with should they be true. but why the hell do i need to know what particular trendy expression is going through your body right now and why does that need to be made public? why do i need to know who pissed you off and why do you need to broadcast that information to the entire email reading community?
along these lines and slightly less radical, i must thank you all for putting stupid shit in your gchat. everyday i read it and everyday i say to myself how i need to write something about how fucking stupid it is. so thank you for that.
if i could give personal shot outs, i'd like to say to the worm, that not one gchat goes by where i don't spend 5 minutes after wishing there was some sort of public forum where i could make fun of your one liners because i find them kind of funny. i don't want to make fun of you in that "look at the fat kid with ice cream on his shirt" kind of way but more in the way that i think it would be good banter to go back and forth with.
as for you, you tall, lanky, wiry haired german, your gchats confuse the hell out of me. shame on your for making less sense than any of the 1000 words written above.
monkeys monkeys monkeys.
countdown: 893
let the banter begin.
3:08 PM
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