Shot a holla dog
So this story is a week old, but i can't believe it hasn't been written about yet...i guess because of exams.
So my ladyfriend, who i will refer to here on out as the doctor, was running through georgetown last weekend. she runs a lot, because, well doctors know how to take care of themselves...and she knows that if she gains even so much as 3 pounds, she can't sleep in the same bed as me...i'm country.
anyway, she is running down the street and while she has run in the past through georgetown, she has seen some famous people. i believe there was a woody allen sighting? nicole kidman for sure, some members of the gw basketball team, steve blake, an old UMD basketball player now playing for the blazers, anyway. so basketball players like georgetown. so she is running and she sees these 4 big black guys walking down the street. at first she thought, "OH MY GOD, BLACK PEOPLE...CROSS THE STREET CROSS THE STREET". that's not true. she thinks to herself that there are 4 athletic looking black dudes, all real tall walking down the street and one of them looks familiar. so she stares a little as she gets closer and then she realizes who it is:
King James. LBJ himself. Lebron "Soon to finish second to Kobe in the MVP voting" James. Lebron James in DC. What up kid! Anyway, as she runs by she can't help but smile. The doctor loves famous people. We have this thing in our relationship where we each get 1 famous person to bone and it has to be cool with the other. I need to come up with mine but she has Jake Glynnelelehahreehehal and whatever other famous person she ever gets anywhere near in contact with. So naturally, she gives him them "I got what you want, you got what I need look". wait, that makes no sense and isn't true.
so she runs by him and smiles at him. he is playing on his blackberry pretending that he is all famous and cool, but right after she runs by he goes "Go ahead, get your workout on girl".
Lebron James hollered at my girlfriend. Once more, Lebron James hollered at my girlfriend. The chick i once saw naked is a chick lebron felt the need to holler at. He skyrocketed in my book after that. shit, she skyrocketed in my book after that.
so that is awesome. nice work doctor.
so we had another kickball game last night. for the first time in my life, i realized what it is like to argue with me because i took the never before driven on "high road". my team doesn't know the rules. there's no need to know the rules when
a. it's kickball and
b. there are 2 refs
so we are accused of cheating without even knowing it when we score a run and we are all happy. so this girl looks at me and bitches, "that's real cool. you guys cheat and then you laugh about it" to which i reply "we don't mean to cheat, we don't even know the rules" and she bitches and bitches more and then i respond "but this is why we have refs, so we can't cheat" at which point she insinuates (sp?) that the refs are anti her team. it was an out of body experience. i seriously thought i was looking at the female version of myself arguing.
so we won 3-2. then we got drunk, real drunk. at one point, three of the girls on our team and one dude were dancing with no shirts on...EDITORS NOTE: not eligible for they did have bras on (or in the dudes case, a bro (or manzere)). i left soon there after and apparantly i missed one girl trying to fall asleep on 18th street and getting in the way of a reporting crew. so ncspud couldn't stand for that so he insulted the guys "easter egg tie" and then as the camera shot the reporter, he stared at the reporter for the entire report from right behind the camera...i.e. eye contact. nice work spudsack.
I also almost got into it with the camera man as his fat ass was trying to stare me down. that's right, stare me down?!! He was one of those greasy, fat guys with a cigar hanging from his fat lips. His shirt was tucked into his fat roll that continued well into his pantsal region. Give me some help here doctor, what is that called when a fat person has fat below the belt line? Where are his genitals? And why, when the clothes cling, do they not buldge and make me vomit? I we had a staring contest and I won, even while saying to him, "You wanna stare at me!?" Dude, I was on fire. Come at me like you're the authorities will you. I'll stare your fat ass down and crack pastel jokes on your pansy ass easter egg ties bitch.
3:48 PM
Wurtzel here.
1/4 lbs. Live - I haven't read your prose in a month or two, but I had some extra time at work so I went over some of the older posts. Pretty amazing. I was unsure whether or not you would have enough good material to write a daily blog, but you have proved that you have a lot on your mind and need to get it out there.
I think for your weekly "gimmick" you should write a post on Fridays describing the worst thing that happened on the metro to you that week. I would love to read about your rage in that department.
Nice work Dr. on getting LBJ (LeBron James) to holla at you.
p.s. I have a new phrase I will be implementing into my slang - "Crushing it" - You can crush an exam, a girl, your day at work, a meal, sports... basically anything. What do you think?
5:04 PM
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