I miss you too
i feel like i'm letting all 3 of you down. sometimes i shower you with attention and then off i go for weeks at a time with no word from me at all. you have no idea where i am, what's gone on with me or what i am up to.
I'll tell you what though. I'll try to catch you up on what has happened to me the last few days. I worked. Late every weeknight and then 9 hours on sunday. Who works 9 hours on sunday? Don't get me wrong, I understand you have to put this time in..but usually it's associated with your career goals. if i were to have gone to law school and now being a fresh associate at a firm like mine or if i were to be a career paralegal with the certificate to boot, then hell yes, i would work a sunday. but that's not me and i work right now for my paycheck.
but other than that. i saw "waiting" on friday night. while i thought it was overrated, because i actually thought it would have basic characteristics of a good movie, it was hilarious...ala mr. burns (hi-larious). quite simply, the ballsack showing game was brilliant. an entire restaurant or f that, workforce united in trying to trick someone into checking out your coin purse. those scenes were by far the ones where i laughed the hardest. and it's games like that that pisses me off i don't have any retarded games like that to play...no homo.
there was a party. party party party. it was fun. i had some beverages. house spoke in russian and some girl named ivey i got to continuously yell "who the hell are you" over and over at her. simply abuse for a simpleton jack. but it was funny, at least to me.
also, i'm told there was a lot of dude at the party. this is why i like my life for two reasons:
1. i can comfortably hang out in a room of dudes (once again, no homo) because i am on the 5 year plan with the lady who sometimes throws in her tidbits in the comments section. there is no hunt at this point...ladies be forewarned...this doesn't mean i won't talk to you, this simply means there is no line, filter or any other courtesy you are probably used to. which will lead to such interactions like:
girl: "hey, what's up?"
me: "penis"
girl: "excuse me?"
me: "penis"
girl: "why do you keep saying penis?"
me: "Big sle! Check it out! this chick just said penis! haha, you're a whore. you have a filthy, whorish mouth"
big sle: "SLUT!"
i'm laughing to myself right now.
2. usually, i get "drunk" at these parties. and as a result, i can talk to anyone about most anything. why? because i usually forget what i was saying and can have the same conversation over and over. that's not true. my attention span shrinks, so i can talk to a person for about a minute and then get distracted and move to another conversation until 45 minutes later when i find the original person and pick up right where i left off. it's more of a gift than a curse, trust me.
so until next time,
countdown from 1000: 965
in case you are curious the tip to know about the countdown is this:
Those are numbers...hmmm
They are single digits or two digits...hmmm
They probably stand for something...hmmm
3:28 PM
so you check the comments too? that's right, i am talking to you. everyone enjoys reading comments, so go ahead and leave some more. if you aren't into anonymity, pick "other" and your comments can be read by q.p. fans around the world.
i know what the countdown means.
4:29 PM
I was offended by the penis reference. Who is Big Sle?
8:21 AM
your theory of a lot of dudes at the party begins to explain how your two TS teammates ended up with the two ugliest girls in attendance, although it doesn't tell me if the story about the karate kid breaking otis' futon in the wee hours is true, although i hear the one he bagged was boobliclious.
3:35 PM
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