I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


ways to help

yes, that's right! even you can help determine what happens here on qpliveandme.blogspot.com

i was thinking i need to have a weekly gimmick. like douche bag of the week or semantics in 06 moment of the week. but it couldn't be like last nights semantics in 06 when the discussion was held as the whether you have to ask for cheese when ordering a pizza. you don't.

but it would have to be bigger than that, something that all 5 readers of this blog will understand. and yes, the number is up from 2 to 5...i got a stat tracker thing going. it might cease to be free once there are 100 hits to this blog, but hey, that's a number that many famous people have never gotten on their blogs...like seth cohen or john dorian.


in conclusion, makes some comments...whoever threw out the midget thing got me going for a bit.

and to take a moment to answer a few comments:
1. the easter bunny, like santa, only works on easter (or in santa's case christmas). there is no way you hit the easter bunny on monday.
2. it is always appropriate to inform your girlfriend's parents of the bowl movements of friends animals. this is a topic that is taboo in many a relationship, but if you can't talk poop and merc, how are you going to tell them that their daughter is knocked up and that you used to wake up every morning naked with the neighbors dog in your bed until you met their daughter? how?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Easter Bunny was slackin and draggin this year soi did kill him in a ditch. Thanks for trying to shoot down my day.

1:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bowel movement comes out a different hole than the pee and you were talking urniation not merc as you say and I still have no idea where that word comes from so I'll let it slide cause it's kinda original although now I remember you telling me one time wehre it was from but I have since forgotten and therefore consider it lost knowledge so I am going to act as if I don't know right now for arguments sake because it makes me look right which as most people know everyone wants to do. Now that was a bad sentence.

1:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want the drinking day of the week followed by recap. Masses unite and demand to know when and where Ed is drinking for the one day a week he drinks.

2:07 PM


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