it's only kickball...
but that didn't stop the team we played last night from taking it way too seriously. how seriously? one kid got ejected from trying to fight the umpire. there was at least one other game stopping altercation so that the other team could flip out on the umpires....seriously, this is a game, a stupid stupid game and waste of time, that is referred by players on other teams...who also don't know the rules that well. apparently, we played the rule book writers last night because these guys felt the need to say each rule as it was unfolding before us.
anyway, the kid who got ejected must have been the ring leader of the emotionally disturbed team that we played. he came up and kicked the ball, got to first and then was told it was foul and had to come back. so he got mad at the ump for calling it a foul. then he later went on to kick the ball with his knee and then made it safely to first. in the world of kickball, kicking with your knee is a foul ball. he hated this and had to be restrained on his way back up to kick. then he got out and was not happy in the least. when we came up next, one of our players kneed the ball foul. then out of no where this kid is back cursing at the ump and being restrained. more umps get on the field to make sure this fucking retard doesn't do anything too stupid and then he picks up his backpack and leaves.
i think this team had to be a collection of group therapy people or something. one of their pitchers decided to throw a temper tantrum on the sideline after we scored a few runs on him. then, when they would get outs, he would run on the field screaming at the top of his lungs. people who get this excited over kickball really must have absolutely nothing going for them at all. it's fucking kickball ya douchebag.
then we got some drinks. riding a bike home half drunk listening to headphones with not helmet is apparently a good way to get the doctor mad at you...that and i had my bike cleats on, so i was clipped into my pedals. i had a lot of fun. she was not happy. the only time i fell was when i was waiting for her and i unclicked my right foot and then promptly fell on my left side. this was on a sidewalk, so there was no danger. a passing car stopped to make sure i was OK. that was funny because as soon as i fell, i looked right at them and pointed with both fingers and laughed....of course i was fine, i'm just slightly retarded.
here's a good picture to describe my feelings about the kickball team we played:

Where do you get these pictures?
11:56 AM
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