fucking shoot me

fed up..pissed off and ready to get the hell out of here...holy shit i need to get the fuck out of here...i implore any of you, make it swift, make it out of the blue, but just fucking do it already. preferably, the ideal candidate will sneak into my office and knock the silly out of me and get me on workers comp or some fucking thing that will make it so i don't have to look at any more documents....any more boxes....because you know why? when i finish going through the 135 boxes that have my name all over them, there are 150 more surely to follow.
i'm pretty sure there has never been a more negative person than me at this current stage of my misery. i could take the most positive thing in the world and decide to focus on the smallest, most minute negative aspect of it and then rant about it for a solid 5 minutes until i've depressed the hell out of all of those around me. i look like i just had a close encounter with death and am pissed off it didn't win.
just make it quick and out of the blue. you know where you can find me.
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