things that are really irritating:
1. university of maryland graduation
why? because it starts at 7pm on sunday night. sunday f-ing night. who does that? honestly, it makes no sense. i couldn't get over the fact. the doctor tells me it would be really appreciated if i went to her sister's graduation. obviously, i am going to it and there is no way out. so the easy thing to do would be accept it. not me. i had to have an attitude about it....well, not that much of an attitude.
usually my graduation persona is to yell at graduates and make fun of all the speakers. couldn't even pull that off. even with the following 2 things that tried really, really hard to increase my chance of enjoyment:
1. the parents-in-law wanted to tailgate. so we had beer, wine and sandwiches. now, i used to make fun of their tailgate wackness because at an Indiana U football game, we followed the band around for a while and then returned to eat cheese and crackers. i had 7 beers in an hour. the other 4 of them had 7 beers combined in that hour...where's the love?
but this move moved them up in the props book. nice work parents to be.
2. we almost saw a fight...which is odd, considering graduation is a happy time. but it was over a parking spot. dude wanted the spot, which was being saved for a family member. now, if there is only 1 spot in the entire parking lot left and the car the spot is being held for is no where to be seen, then yes, that spot should be given up. but we are in a parking lot where we could see other open spots AND the car the spot was reserved for was waiting to go in. to recap the players involved:
1. a 50 year old man
2. a 20 year old kid
3. a 30 year old
now, player 2 was laughing at player 1 for being so immature. player 1 was threatening player 2. player 3 steps in to make this guy realize he is thretening a 20 year old...then he tells him so. then player 1 insults the mom, who he says should be in diapers. then the 17 year old security guard comes over to break off the near altercation. in the end, the family members got the car.
2 more highlights of the event:
1. the family then recaps the events of the near fight to each other (all who were present at the time of the altercation) for about the next 30 exageration.
2. the doctor's dad decided to start taking photos of the entire event, to which player 3 later asked to have them sent to him for fun.
graduation. it's a commencement...and a commencement is a beginning...apparantly, it's a beginning of realizing that everyone is an asshole and this post was absolutely subpar.
my bad yo.
i expected to hear about you chumming it up with the to-be-in-laws over the whole thing but it sounds like you took a back seat...
how, exactly, did you manage to keep you and your seven-beers-into-the-afternoon self out of the situation?
2:37 PM
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