Outtie 5000
Today is the day where all 4th year med students around the country find out which residency programs they get accepted to. Today is the day where the doctor finds out where she gets to play doctor...no, she hasn't been playing "doctor" with any of you so don't even make that lame joke (NOTE: I had written the above alluded to joke and decided it was way too lame to throw in so don't go plagiarizing my non written words...bitch).
There is this ceremony where you show up at 11:30 am and all these future doctors are drinking champagne. Each student has ranked a bunch of schools and none know which one their going to end up at until they open the envelope. Some people rank a bunch of schools and get ones low on their list. Some only rank a few (for the more competitive programs) and don't always get any of their choices due to the competition. It's all based on where the program you interviewed at ranks you compared to where you rank them.
Well, those of you that know her know she is a talented person, even for a woman. PSYCH. women are people too even if they have smaller brains than men...guess that makes me a chick? i thought those were just extra pound boobies not estrogen boobies.
What the hell just happened? ANYWAY, the doctor found out today that she got accepted at her #1 choice, being St. Luke's hospital in Manhattan. The Live family is moving to NYC!
Oh that's awesome, right? Well, yes and no. It's exciting because we're off to a new place where we will have to make new friends and we'll be married so we're completely moving into the unknown. We'll have to do things like go out with other couples and engage in swingers parties.
It's terrifying because I will have to get a new job. The word "complacency" comes to mind when I think of my current job. I've been there 3.5 years and miserable for 2.0 of them yet I am still there. So going out and finding a new one, something I didn't do in a city that I know pretty well, is kind of intimidating...but there's no holding back now. I have to find and job and I don't want to be a paralegal, so that pretty much means I'm starting over...or pretty much means I can do anything...or pretty much means I have no idea what I am going to end up doing but I should look forward to this, I guess.
But it's sad. We've been in DC since 1999 as freshman at GW. In that time, we've grown up, because new people and then changed that person and then changed again and again...and we've done that with a lot of the people who read this right here. So it's sad to be moving away from all of you who have had a major part in shaping who we are as people. For example, I'm an angry man who plays kickball. WOW, you guys fucked up big time. JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING. I kid because I love. And I love kids. Especially little ones. KIDDING, AGAIN JUST KIDDING. Half kidding.
Anywho, the time has come for QP Live and the doctor to move their asses up out of town. If I'm certain of anything it's that I'm uncertain about all of this. And I'm certain I'm not the first person to say that.
But, for now, I have things like quitting my job, getting married and finishing up a trial to do. Which is rad.
But to you all DC mofukas, peace out...don't fret though because I'm told I'll be back in 3 years. But I'll likely be very, very, big pun fat by then with all the pizza, chicken cutlet and italian combos. AWESOME!
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