WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the past 30 minutes, being the time difference between when the Giants won and right now, I've texted, called and yelled "WE DID ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" at loud volumes numerous times. Most responses have been congratulations and a couple have been, "I didn't know you played for the Giants." Those people would be correct...but I did pray for the Giants...and the fuller my beer was, the better the Giants D played. So thinking like that should probably make me less of an alcoholic, right? Fuck. I think I'm slipping further into the anti-fun, you're a big pussy disease.
YEAH! That sounds like fun. Can't wait to be the sober guy at the wedding loving desert, NOT beating my wife and showing up on time to everything with a straight lace tie. Fag.
The Giants won the Super Bowl and I have a few thoughts:
2. It feels great to have your team win a Championship. It doesn't happen all that often (in the NFL you have a 1 in 32 chance every year) and even though I'd love for the Giants and Yankees to win every year (if the Knicks or any DC team won I'd love the happiness of the DC to roll with it too), you just can't rely on that shit. It just doesn't happen all that much.
3. Man, I'm happy about the whole NY over Boston thing. But more than that, I'd like to take this opportunity to shot out 3 people:
3.a - Top Top Topashelf - Sent me a text after the game saying, "Great D." As Pats fan, it can't be easy to send that message, but it takes pride to send that message, all the same. Thanks for manning up...no pun intended...YES, I didn't realize that pun yet but AWESOME
3.b - My man Otis - Otis is a Buffalo born kid who is a Bills fan, but has grown up in the Boston area and roots strong for the douche bag Red Sox. Can't hate the man for that because he is a true fan, but I love him for the fact he is a Bills fan and will only root for the Pats because it makes the city (or I guess I should say region) happy. But the man texts me after the RIDICULOUS Tyree catch about how amazing it was and then follows up with a congratulatory calls. My man Otis, shotahollerdawg.
3.c - FAUST - The kid brought up Regionals '03. He sent me a text before the game predicting the Pats would win 38-17. I responded saying thanks for picking the Giants to win in the upset. Eventually, I commented on Bellicek's new red sweatshirt (read SWEATY in a shitty Masshole accent)and that he probably picked it out by filming another team and realizing how good it looked, and he responded by saying, "way to force that in, just like regionals 03." What a dick. That was cold Faust. We all know that I dicked it...or Whoops as I like to say...but that's still cold. Crossing a line like that is pretty fucked up...especially since I A) Didn't mean to do it and B) didn't fucking mean to do it. But it's out there and it's history so I should expect that to keep coming my way. But still.....WE DID IT
F he dynasty. Let's go BIG BLUE and hey:
Wasn't it great to see Bellichek leaving the field with time still on the clock even after Mike Carrey (the head official and the best official in the league) telling douche McRedSweaty that there was still time on the clock, run off the field...ah, the lack of class...the lack of need for respect. Motherfuck you Billy....We fucking did it.
Lets go Big Blue.
remember when we were watching sportscenter, and said something to the effect of, "is brett farve going to retire with his final throw as an interception?" and then la doctora commented on how your final throw in college ultimate was pretty much the same thing.
remember that?
11:31 AM
They did play great D, it's why we lost and it sucked a fat one. But I'll move on and this isn't nearly as bad as post ALCS 2003 when i cried myself to sleep most nights.
In 2004 we got both a world series and a super bowl, but Kerry lost - boston can't have everything. I'm hoping that this time a world series, maybe the C's do well and that dude who reminds everyone of a young kennedy will win.. . at least that's how I keep from crying myself to sleep now
5:27 PM
Shelf.... don't pretend you don't still cry on a nightly basis. Why else would you keep a box of tissues next to your bed?
7:20 PM
So many first person plurals!
ed: New sweatshirt?
me: It shows off his manly physique
ed: or maybe he taped someone and decided he liked the look
me: way to force that one in, just like regionals 03
I got high fives from Wurtzel on that one, but the "im not proud of you" face from Alexis.
I think Patriots fans were in a tough place leading up the game. How are you supposed to even feign humbleness when your team is 18-0? You shouldn't have to. There should be a rule that says when your team is on the verge of sports immortality you can be a douche.
10:40 AM
Agree with the "douche in times of potential perfection" corollary.
I'm just glad you didn't call him Belicheat. I think if one more person says "Belicheat" around me I'm going to go all Bryan Cox and pistol-whip him.
Great year for the NY football Giants -- who will be in more commercials this off-season, Eli or Peyton?
3:24 PM
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