Opening Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies began last night...but maybe you could tell that from the last post that I didn't even know I wrote until I logged in just now. Sweet.
So instead of calling my last few weeks in DC Closing Ceremonies, I decided that in the spirit of the Olympics, we could make a little thing out of this time.
Opening Ceremonies took place at Nathan's in Georgetown on half price wine night. Post wine consumption, there was liquor and beer consumption at the bar for about an hour before Opening Ceremonies came to a close with the extinguishing of the paper filled with, well you know.
The results of all of this was an interesting conversation between myself and Dr. Live. She asked the question, "Is Tina Fey hot?" My response was something of the following: 30 Rock makes fun of Tina Fey for being older and not being married or even having a steady relationship going, other than with Dennis, the psycho ex boyfriend/pedophile. Anyway, I took this to mean Tina Fey is in her late 30s or early 40s and therefore, you're pushing the limit if you're dating her. Why? Because if you bone Tina Fey, you are officially a cougar hunter and you're pretty much swearing off 25 year olds for the rest of your life and settling for the older ladies.
Let's analyze why this makes no sense:
-Yes, we're using the dashes again
-notice that the original question was never answered.
-I assume that TV is the same as real life
-Who said anything about dating her? Or boning her for that matter?
-Why can you not bone a 25 year old after boning a late 30s or early 40s chick?
-Who uses 25 as an age of chicks you can no longer bone? That, in and of itself is depressing because who sets the bar that low? I should have said 21 or something shady like that.
So we're off to a damn good start to the Departing DC Olympics.
Tomorrow we have our next event taking place at Rocket Bar in Chinatown. It's my last day of work and that's where all of us are getting together, so feel free one and all to come on by. You should be aware that if you show up at 5:30 or 6, like when I will most likely arrive, you will be surrounded by numerous people that I work with. It might be safer to show up a little later but it will be quite a social event, so come on by whenever.
You should also be aware that Rocket Bar does not serve food but they do allow you to bring in outside food.
Another event to plan on is the happy hour on the mall. The refreshment stands near the monuments sell Kings for like $3.25. The plan is to show up there and pound said Kings pretty much until the stand closes or they run out of beer. If they run out, we go onto another stand and repeat. This is an obscure thing to do, but we have to do it. We're allowed to drink outside there and it would be hilarious to get plastered right outside the refreshment stand and confuse every single person around there. Plus, the price isn't that bad when you consider what we'd be paying at actual bars. So keep Monday or Tuesday open on your calendars next week if you want to take part in this game.
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