I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


one mistake...so much criticism

so my previous entry left out a word and entirely changed the meaning on what i was writing (dare i say, taken out of context? no, i shouldn't because that simply doesn't make sense). it was supposed to read "i'm not exactly sure why..." not "i'm exactly sure why..." so to you, 6.8 readers, i apologize for letting you down.

but i think there is something you need to realize. i'm not perfect. i know i know, when i speak i leave no room in my own mind that i could be wrong and refuse to hear what others say if they disagree but i admit that i can make mistakes. hey, it's the mistakes i make that get the best headlines like:

"Kid dressed in all red throws game winning throw to other team" once again, my bad
"Fat kid tacos captain...hilarity does not ensue" once again, my bad

but in reality, it's these moments that make me try to learn from my mistakes in a effort not to relive the past. for example, bert and i were playing a friendly game of spin the toy, throw the ball at the toy. no one got hurt but the computer got ruined. on the bright side, no one got hurt.

so that's about all i got. i've been thinking of taking this thing off of blogspot and getting my own domain name because it's 9 bucks a year and that is not expensive. my brother in law informs me that if i know what i am doing it's not all that complicated. i don't know what i'm doing, so i guess it is complicated to run a website. in reality, all i want is the counter at the bottom to see how many people read this thing. i think what will happen is the first month or so i will get a lot of hits and then that will change because people will stop caring. i will make a chart of people's attentiveness and because it's my own site, i will graph this and use smilily faces to describe how the number of hits makes me feel. it's not such a bad idea but i guarantee it could be the worst website of all time and definitely would have nothing on boobswithshirtson.com

that website would be awesome


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you checked to see if boobswithshirtson.com is a registered domain name?


10:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do it

11:04 AM


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