Goodbye good buddy...

Today is moving day and a day to move on without a part of my life for the past 7 years.
Doyle has been a good friend these past 7 years. He's seen me do a lot of, drink, smoke, bone, smoke, drink, try to bone but too get the point. But it's time to move on.
I'm moving in with the doctor today and by the end of the night, I will officially be living with the french girlfriend. You have to make sacrifices in a relationship and this is the first major one I am having to make. If it was a dog, there would be no way I would give hime up.
The truth is, while Doyle has always been a loyal pet (never once bit me, only tried to once and that was because he was nervous), I think he could be going to a better situation. I haven't been playing with him at all in the past 2 years, feeding him has been more of a chore than the enjoyment of watching a mouse get eaten by a snake and I've walked into my apartment at times and not even noticed that he was there. In short, I've been living like I haven't had him so why not let him go.
So I am sorry to Jeff Rakitt, Mo, Otis, Bach, Spencer, Faust, Andrew, Mom, Dad, Anneke, the inhabitants of Unit E who had him for a few months (I believe Timmy, Carissa, Erin, Alexis and Spears), my freshman year roommate Steven Samaniego who used to feed mice to Doyle using tongs - no person has ever love feeding a snake more - but the time has come to move on without our former roommate Doyle.
I've learned through this process that craigslist is an amazing tool. I put the post up about Doyle around 11:25 and by 11:35 I had 3 people responding to me willing to take him off my hands...Actually, you can't post animals to craigslist so I had to post about a tank with a subtle reference to the fact that you would have to take the inhabitant as well.
It worked tremendously well. I can't believe how many walks of life are out there and just checking the boards that often. It's really a testament to the genius of the creator of craigslist...and to the internet.
So on this day of mourning, let us raise our glasses and remember that Doyle was a true friend to us all and will be missed....
In the period he was at Unit E I felt like doyle and I really hit a nice place together. I had never had a pet before and I recently suffered the loss of the baby squirrel I was trying to save. Doyle was good first low maintenance pet and we spent alot of hours on the couch together. I will look back on those days with fondness and hope he can bring the same happiness to his new owner.
12:51 PM
3:11 PM
The first time I saw Doyle get his eat on was after the 1st or 2nd practice of my sophomore year. I was angry cause I was used to me and Codrea being the freshmen on the team. I was pissed at DJ(of all people) for representing the ending of that. Doyle however made me forget all my worries as he attacked and tried to eat the mouse butt first, which was a metaphor for how I was trying to digest my new social role on the team. Ok not really, but it's hard to follow up a road trip quote all in caps.
3:57 PM
As a general rule, I avoid ever trying to match wits with Ben, but this is a factual (and hopefully interesting) post, not an attempt to be witty. Phew.
The summer after my junior year of college I lived in D.C. That was the summer I got to know Qubert, Ben and of course Doyle. I also worked in the genetics division at the NIH. My boss recently left the NIH for a nice cushy post at UCSF. He and his wife bought an apparently ridiculously awesome house in San Francisco, presumably right on the water. Their next-door neighbor? Craig. The Man whose List it is.
12:08 PM
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