welcome back...
in typical welcome back to the work week fashion, it's 10:01 pm on Monday night and I am at work...and scared. The hallway lights just turned themselves off. This is normal, as at 10 pm they do this to conserve energy. Perhaps I should alert the office manager that the lights in fact go off at 10:01 pm and we are wasting 1 minute of energy every night....though considering the amount of paper we waste, the amount of recyclable materials we don't recycle and the amount of soul that I lose everytime I work through a lunch hour and into bedtime, I think we can all pretty much assume that they don't really care all that much.
But I'm pretty tired. After spending the weekend playing frisbee in the altitude of Boulder, Colorardo and getting back around 11 last night, I think it's safe to say that I didn't so much want to be at work 24 hours later with the prospect of being here until the "french yes" hours of the morning...wee, get it? No one? Not even the Family Guy reference?
Running around in the thin air was a lot of fun. I was looking forward to this weekend as an ultimate (no pun intended) training weekend because I was hoping that once I got back to 5 feet above sea level (from 5600) that I could run a lot long and harder...like steroids but for your lungs. I guess I can try this out tomorrow but in all likelihood, I'll be in this same position at this same time tomorrow as our deadline is tomorrow night at midnight. Can't wait. It's a good thing I have a change of clothes here though, just in case. Then again, I live 20 minutes (if walking) from here. It's not like this city is all that dangerous...at least in this area. People who work here have told me that they have seen prostitutes around this area late at night, so in the unfortunate event that I do walk home, at least there will be a loving character to make me feel loved as I walk ever so briskly past her (one can only hope) as I make my way home.
Here's a general question for you:
If someone told you that your computer system would be down from 6 to 12 pm, would you know if it would be light out or not when the computers started working again?
This is not a trick question. We are not in some place where it is daylight for 36 hours or dark for a similar length of time. Let's assume, say, you're in Washington, D.C. and are told that on Saturday the computers would be down from 6 until 12 pm. Would you assume this was afternoon or morning?
Would you even hesitate in knowing, because you are not absolutely demented, that it meant noon? At all?
Me neither. But the people I work with that make roughly 10 times what I make? not so much. Because of people like this, firm wide emails have to go out to explain the difference. I once got informed of something that easy to comprehend...when I was in kindergarten and I swolled a button and thought I was dead. true story.
but this is getting on and to be honest with you i'm not all that happy with my performance. i just need some sleep and hopefully I can put on a better showing tomorrow.
until then, say hello to my furry friend:

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