I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


we all just can't get along

Usually, I'd have a rant filled post for you and the day of kickball. Especially today, as we match up against the force that is team Scoregasm. But that cannot be provided for today.

Our team is hurting due to internal rifts that are threatening the entire existence that is the team representing the Faygo nation. 1 player has quit, 1 is contemplating quitting, and many feelings are hurt.

There are rumors circulating that certain members have taken kickball too seriously and therefore taken all the fun out of kickball. There has been rampant speculation that players have not gotten to play in games at all. The league is apparantly bringing in the big guns to observe our game tonight to ensure we follow the rules after the player who quit went all deep throat on us and complained to the league.

So we are not without our drama. The questions is, will we be like the patriots and not be affected by the off field drama that was cameragate? Or will we be like the Falcons who got crushed in the super bowl the day after there defensive leader got busted for trial to pick up a prostitute the night before the big game?

I don't know which team we are. Originally, we thought it was the new players who were frustrated and we kept throwing them in the field every chance we got (once the game was clearly in our hands) to keep everyone happy. We forgot to keep playing the guys who have been with us for all 3 seasons and those are the ones who appear to be most upset. The was a big "oh man, we really blew that one" and it might be too late. I think a pow wow, hug it out bitch session might be in order.

Regardless, one of our players is not coming back. What's hilarious about this is that he is really, really really really really pissed off and most of it is directly squared at me. It's funny because this guy was so upset that not only did he call me a liar, say I assume people on our team are not good enough to play kickball (yeah, read that again...an armless midget is good enough to play kickball) but he also asked me to pay him his money back that he "wasted". Then he wrote an email to the kickball gods asking for his money back and saying he was quitting because he didn't get to play.

Things like this make me laugh. I'm not a huge fan of being called a liar but asking me to refund you is pretty bitch. What is unbecoming of a man, though, is to email the league rep and turn in your team for something like that.

Basically, we have yet to break any rules. The league rule is that everyone must kick. There are no field requirements. In the big games, we've kept a tight field rotation. In the easy games, we've opened it up, but left a few people out by accident. Some took it personal and let it stew. Others took it personal and when the captains sent out an email trying to explain the plan going forward, others wrote incredibly whiney emails and then cried to the league reps. Man up son, mommy's not gonna hold you as you cry and suck your thumb anymore...

Anyway, what the biggest complaint has been appears to be that we're taking kickball so seriously that we've taken all the fun out of it. I can understand that and I guess I believe it too. What I think is hilarious is that some of those complaining do not acknowledge that they take it seriously too. After all, if you didn't take it seriously, why are you so upset?

I'm told kickball is about socializing and beer. OK, see you at the bar. People pay $60 to play kickball. You get a t-shirt and beer specials. The permits likely only cost around $100 a night...so that's 8-10 weeks and roughly $1000. OK, there are 26 people per team...26 x 60 = 1560. So 1 teams dues go to the permits. The rest goes to beer specials at the bar...where the socializing and beer happen, right?

Essentially, it comes down to getting your nasties all wet and disease infested. It doesn't come down to whether you get to stand in left field as I strike out the kickers.


Blogger Ben said...

I'm glad so many things were funny and hilarious for you this week.

You realize you are basically re-living Mighty Ducks 2? You are Gordon Bombay who forgets how to have fun, slicks his hair back and tries to nail the hot Greenland-er-ish girl. I see you and the person who quit having a semi-intense conversation where he elightens you on what you have become followed by a great music montage where you show up to practice with a keg and you guys all get trashed. Then, if you havent already, you ditch the Swede or whatever she is, and head back to Patti who doesnt forgive you until right before you win it all when you replace your best player with the bases bombed and put in the jilted player who rocks a home run. I can't wait!

10:27 AM

Blogger Chris Jamal said...

that was an incredible comment left by ben. keep up the good work, and hopefully qp will see the error in his ways. . .

swedes are overrated.

6:05 PM


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