I'm focused, man

Kickball update? Well, it's Thursday, so it's fucking on tonight. Tonight we match up against a team that willingly wears pink. Their pitcher wears a visor, willingly. They wear high pink socks. They declare themselves talented.
I declare them fucking dead.
So far this year we are 3-0 and have given up fewer runs than losses we have. Wait. That was stupid to write. We haven't been scored on. This will be the toughest shut out challenge this season. I'm not prepared to lose the shut out streak that dates back to the finals of the last season. You don't score. You don't win. Teams don't score on my team. It just isn't in the cards for them. We've had two extremely close calls this year. At the end of our second game, the ball trickled into the outfield and our catcher made a sick throw off of a rely throw that only made it to the pitchers mound to peg the guy 1 step before home. Last week the other team try to tag up on us from 3rd base in the first inning with 1 out. Our left fielder gunned it in, I jumped up and threw it straight down as the runner tried to slide under me. He took it off the face. That's what you get when you try to score on my team. Shot in the face like a whore.
Don't try to score on my team. It won't make me happy.
We've been having wars back and forth with the other team via http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/index.php?lang=uk. Basically, we've been adding subtitles to random Indian movie clips. We're really good at it. They are not. We're winning the trash talking battle. Theirs are in good spirits about how good they are and how in over our heads we are. Ours claim that their team name (S.A.Y.D.) stands for Sucking All Your Dicks. Others of ours claim that they shit themselves uncontrollably and that their women are filthy whores who shit the bed.
So we're taking this game pretty seriously. I am not trying to give up any runs this game. I'm more trying to beat this team so bad that they abandon their desire to play kickball at all anymore. That would make me happy...well, actually that would make me feel like a jerk.
All due respect to this team, they are the best team we've played this season and that makes me slightly nervous because we have a bunch of new players who think we are amazing because we crushed 3 shitty teams. If we were less experienced, I'd say we might be in for a let down. My level of focus right now is pretty high. Hence, the somewhat sadistic post here. I'm focused on crushing this team and the important thing to remember is not to freak out if any runs cross the board. I've prepared myself mentally that it's just not going to happen.
So onto other matters for a quick moment.
Regionals is this weekend and our region gets 3 bids to nationals. This upsets me. All year, I've prepared that we had to win the region to make nationals and over come our mental inability to beat Ring of Fire from North Carolina. We always play with them for a half and then get smoked in the second half. I think once we beat them the first time, we'll never lose to them again. After talking with the other Mister Slam last night, he said that we need to beat Ring not only for ourselves, but in order to justify the third bid to our region. We are not looked at as a strong region and some would say that giving us a third bid is kind of BS. I see their argument and generally agree with them. Top to bottom, our region is not one of the strongest ones out there and I personally feel, at least in the club season, that size shouldn't have any impact on the number of bids. So, basically, I don't want to hear bitching about a weaker region getting 3 bids. But if we beat Ring, the region gets more respect because Ring has national respect. We don't....yet.
Another reason I don't like it is that I am no longer nervous that we won't make nationals. We are down our best D line player and our best all around player this weekend. I wanted that pressure. I think the team would have played even better with that pressure. I wanted the seed of doubt...because when we qualified for nationals, I wanted to feel like it wasn't a given. It's still not a given at this point, but odds are we'll be there. If we don't, there will be a major uproar..at least locally. Nationally, we'll just look like chumps. But our team will flip the fuck out and we will feel like a bunch of chumps, and no one on the team wants that.
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