I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


making up things as i go

Can't explain why but these fingers have been going a little wild these last 45 minutes. The quantity of emails to fly off about things roughly determined to be nothing more than one large typo has been spewing out for a little bit now...so why not just start typing with absolutely nothing in mind, right?

So I'm dolling out nicknames today. Can't really figure out exactly why, but I am and I don't want to stop until some force of total merc makes it happen but I feel like I'm slowing down.

I played tackle football yesterday...maybe this is why I'm in an odd state of being today. Maybe when I got my head knocked on the ground almost immediately something did happen only I didn't feel it. But it was totally worth it. I mean, I haven't walked comfortably, turned my neck without pain or really figured out why it is that I am going to do it all again this weekend but I'm going for it. This is sweet.

So if you're in the market for a nickname, come at me because I'm working on them right now. So far today, Tim has been given Nighthawk and the hottest man (serious no homo here, but this is what the ladies tell me) in DC has been given "The Settler" for constantly selling himself short on the gifts bestowed on him by his parents when they boned some 26 years ago.

Anyway, so The Wire season 4 hits HBO On Demand tonight and I am pumped up. I'm going to watch it to show how pumped up I am about it. The final season starts in January and I was smart enough to watch this series from the beginning, so I'm looking forward to this. Please don't be that guy who ruins the end of things just to be that guy because that's not really all that cool. Please be that person that says, "I won't say another word until you've seen the whole thing" because that's more my speed. Thanks for that. I'd be your friend for as long as you don't annoy me after that if we can come to this simple agreement. Don't test me on this. I have weapons and people who has weapons have very poor judgment.

In other news, I was hanging out with a few co-workers at a holiday party on sunday night. Somehow the topic of who would win a fight, me or this co-workers husband, came up. He stole my classic line of "I'd win because I fight dirty." He proceeded to tell me he'd kick me in my knees and things like that. I was shocked and appalled by his lack of ability to fight dirty. When I say I fight dirty, I mean i'd do all sorts of dirty shit like throw us both down a flight of stairs (done twice) or over a bunch of couches repeatedly (only once and I lost that battle) just to see who comes out of it worse. I would also, if given the opportunity, be that guy who picks up that weapon that has all the spikes on the ball that swings on that chain they used to use back when Robin Hood ruled the world...or was it when Bill and Ted when Back to the Future. Anyway, I'd got all Gladiator on that Juwanna Mann.

Time to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I dare?

6:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lol-ed when I read you used lol... youre my boy

You should set up an ultimate fighting challenge of your office and then candy bars

8:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:44 AM

Blogger Quentin P. Live said...

Misha, you get to be "Phantom".

Why? Because not only is it an amazing nickname, but you're the guy who posts from location unknown but will strike at any point or any moment. Your messages are swift and seemingly out of nowhere...so you are the Phantom.

5:02 PM

Blogger Ben said...

Aren't you 1 for 2 on throwing yourself and combatant down the stairs? If you were 2 for 2 you or Carlone would be dead.

I don't think I fully knew you until you launched us over the couch.

4:03 PM


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