I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


. . . in '08

Today, I'm going with "Procreate in '08" because I think this is a good conversation topic. Not so much because we are all getting a little older, a little more married and into the slightly more appropriate age in which babies are socially OK, but more because I think we're all entering the "Oh God, I got this random girl pregnant."

That would be pretty funny. It's practically expected that two pump charlie will knock up a girl he meets at some random event. I'm not sure that would really be all that entertaining considering I spend most of my time with him trying to send him brain messages about how this should happen. Since the 4 stools morphed into a group of monotonous guys (no homo, the stools are more or less all spoken for is what i meant), it wouldn't be the top of the class random pregnancy group we're looking for. Though, for a kid who spends all his time with his boys declaring he doesn't have a girl friend, it'd be really funny of his bad influence popped out a one pump charlie and the 3 pumps spent the holidays together from here on out. Yeah, I think that would change Sunday Fundays at Adams Mill.

But I'm calling it here on this second day of Procreate in '08. I'm calling that someone out there connected to the QP Live experience will, in fact, turn up prego. And married people don't so much count...well, married people with children already, who say, live in Oregon, don't count here. Anyone married under a year counts. Anyone married more than 2 years but claims they don't want children count.

But I'm still not thinking about it this way. I'm thinking about it more like, one of the doctor's friends. That'd be great. They'd all get together and freak out a little and I'd go over and laugh really really hard. Then when the kid came out, I'd do my best to ensure that the kid grows up to love me and annoy its parents. Cause that's something I'd be good at. Cause a stir and then let someone else deal with it. Sounds like a good profession for me.

If I had to guess, I'd have to put the Otis around the top. I'm a little nervous about this though because he might already have a kid and just not have told anyone about it yet...cause he's capable of that.

Then there's your favorite and mine, Charles "Mister Pickles" Bach, who no doubt will show up to my wedding with a kid, be it his own, an adopted kid or the kid of some 36 year old cocktail waitress who left the kid in his possession and took off with Snake from the Simpsons on a crime spree not yet finished. Mister Pickles is the kind of guy who would take the kid in under the guise of keeping it safe only to raise the kid up to be a combination of Flava Flav, the Question Mark Suit guy and waldo....and there' no doubt this kid would be the future of freestyle walking.

I'm just putting it out there now, on the second day of the year. When you see one of your boys (or girls) leaving the bar, party, anything, with someone of babying making capabilities, remind them that it's Procreate in '08 and if they're not trying to improving my enjoyment of life by ruining their own, well, then they're just not a faithful member of the QP Live Nation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, sorry I knocked up your sister....again. If it'll make you feel any better, I'll leak you the gender before anyone else knows.

12:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...do I get a cool nickname too or am I too late for that? I'm thinking something like "The Sister-Knocker-Upper". You get it? It's because I'm like Bounty Paper Towels, except I knocked up your sister. Was that too much?

1:10 AM

Blogger Chris Jamal said...

can you imagine my offspring sporting a flava clock with a question mark suit? tiiiiiiiight.

PS - i could have a few chillun's running around in brazil. does that count? cause technically they were not procreated in 08. more like 04/05.

7:49 PM


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