it's been too long
sorry about the absence. allow me to go through some things you have missed in the time we have been apart:
i went to a high school graduation last night. in the program they hand out as you walk in, it asks that people "do not holler comments" or use any kind of horn or anything else when the childs name is called. can people really believe anyone will listen to this? while graduating high school might not be what it used to, let the people celebrate...a lot of these people are going onto community college or no college at all, so let them and their families enjoy the life accomplishment that is a high school sarcasm here.
i went to a nationals game on sunday...we sat behind the scoreboard but that didn't mean they could keep me off of the jumbotron. i was walking around the stadium with a few people when we spotted the camera guy about to put a group of people, quite familial looking, on the tron. 4 names called me out and told me to run up and get in, so i sprint up the this point, the people on the aisle look like i have put the fear of God in them and they quickly shift to the side...then i reach across half of the people in the shot and make sure to get my face all over that nasty...qplive bitches, ya heard? later on the camera guy was near our section and so was the mascot, Screech. I started to holler at screech (sorry to the Howard County School System for hollering) and he turned to me and pointed to his eye and then me...then i started to do this dance where you swing your hips in a circle with as little arm movement as possible. the camera was panned back to me at this point and i am told screech was doing the same dance....sweet.

that's my dog...or eagle. whatever.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
4:38 AM
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