I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


We did not win

Second season in a row our games get canceled due to no light...meaning, no win.

It's tough because we showed up, were all ready to go (pumpkin lit and everything) and then as I am walking to the mound to throw a few warm up pitches, the lights go off. My first thought was to throw the kickball up into the lights and break them. After all, it's their fault that they went out, right? Then my second, and acted on, thought was to throw the kickball at the pumpkin. I missed, narrowly, but I think that is a good thing. I'm pretty sure we have better things in store for that pumpkin, so I'm glad I missed.

Last season, there was some issue with the people at the pool not being there or something, and that's why we had no lights. I heard that we had no lights this week because we physically didn't have the contract to show the pool people. The word is we re upped the contract this week and it has yet to be faxed over. As a result, I guess the pool people (keepers of the ever important light switch) just figured we were trying to screw them over...because we haven't been out there every Thursday since April.

Good old DC. Never underestimate the willingness of others to completely not give a fuck about you in time of need.

And this was a very worthy cause. It's for kickball dammit. It's to drop nWo on their ass. Oh well. It might have been a good thing though because I ate dinner before I rolled up and definitely felt pretty terrible going into the game. Not that it would have really affected my performance all that much. After all, showing up hammered isn't much different that showing up full from a delicious homemade meal of Indian food.

But I got to thinking about other kickball stuff yesterday. With all this talk about nationally ranked teams, teams getting stronger by picking up players from other teams and power matchups, why not put together a powerhouse league?

At this point, I'm looking at all of the random kickball people who read this and asking them to help pull this off.

We play on Thursday nights in the spring division DC Liberty. There is a rumor going around that one of the top teams from a Wednesday night league is playing in our division in the Spring. Our division already has 3 ranked teams plus 1 watch list team. If OIP comes into our division, that's 4 powerhouses...but why stop there? Why don't we get a powerhouse division together so we can all play top competition going into Vegas? It would prepare us all even better. It would give us an idea about how we all stack up together. On top of that, after 12 weeks of tough games and getting drunk together, it will make playing in Vegas all that much more fun.

So I'm looking at most of you pink fuckers who occasionally imbibe on this bitch and asking your opinions. Maybe get a k365 post going on some crazy ish.


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