Holy geez
it's been a long time. It seems like I say that every time now and, well, I think I actually do. though to confirm that I would have to go back and check my sources, but I don't really know where I get my news from, so I can't really do that.
HIOOOOOOO!!! Political humor thrown in there!! Did you see it? Did you catch it? Sarah Palin can't read!!! She can't say what papers she reads because she can't! Stupid face.
Well, I actually don't care. I do wonder if she cares that most everyone just wants to see how much droopage we can expect though...right? I'm not alone in that, am I? I mean you have to wonder how entact she is after however many years of being her. I have no idea how old she is, I just laugh at the idea that if she were our vice president, I wonder how many political figures from other countries have pinups of her. Because everyone else is curious about that too. At least that's what I heard from my news sources. Zing.
So a lot has actually been going on. First of all, I have a new family member. Welcome to the world John Dylan "Don Vito" Quick. He was born in July and the dude has huge nutz. Check out the picture my mom camera phoned to about 1000 people right after he was born:

Yep, probably gonna get tapped for kiddie porn on that one...but it's my nephew and that shit is funny, so please don't punish me. This photo is ripe with comedy.
In other news, I decided during the Obama McCain debate to take notes, 1) because other people were in the room and 2) because I was drunk. Highlights include:
-In reference to ethanol, an all caps "FUCK YOU IOWA" for no apparent reason.
-McCain said "killing it" and my immediate question was does he mean it like white people mean killing it (i.e. negatively) or like black people mean killing it (Oh totally awesome)? It makes you wonder if McCain was doing some subtle street cred thing there.
-I also put a note in there saying "It's awesome how much they respect the moderator". Why? No idea. I just like these 2 dudes...no homo.
Lastly, I got to thinking, especially now that the weather is changing, that I am getting a little paranoid. I take my watch off when I walk through the hood (probably not a bad idea) but then I got to thinking about whether or not it's normal that I think the weather channel is following me around. I mean, they know for a fact that I don't give them any credit ever, whatsoever. I mean, they're wrong 98% of the time, and as a math teacher, I know how large of a number that is. Anyway, the really annoying thing is that when I first made it up to NY, the weather channel was pretty reliable. I hated the fact that in DC they were mostly wrong, usually about rain. Now, I think the fuckers found me because they've been calling for rain for days and nothing is happening. Damn weather channel following me around like I'm some sort of schitzo. My paranoia is not for you to play with as I have very real paranoia (ask Slebos) and I'm tired of thinking that even the weather channel is out to get me.
you sir, have lost a customer.
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