the next mayor of dc?

So this is Adrian Fenty. He is going to be speaking to my firm in about 17 minutes and 53 seconds. I'm pumped. I actually got to work early today to hear what he has to say? I know what some of you are asking and it sounds a little like this:
"But don't you live in Virginia and therefore have no vote in DC and can make abosoultely zero impact on this election?"
My answer to this: yes, yes and double yes.
However, free breakfest has been offered as well as a free hour from work on a friday, so I am all over this. I even got here today at 8:15, so right away I can leave around 4:45. Add to this the hour or so breakfest will be and then I am hopefully being taken out to lunch and that's another 2 hours out of my day...which, of late, has been doing what we call "document review". Also know as, "stare at the computer and what pages load slower and slower and then read and tag them". It's so boring that I can't even put entries up here because I just want the boring to end. I even stayed late last night because I like torture and could use the money. But time literally goes backwards when you do doc review. If you asked any paralegal here, doc review is the last thing any of us would volunteer to do...and this is the next month of my life and I might even get to go to Alabama or South Carolina to do it....sweet.
So I kind of care what Adrian Fenty has to say afterall. Not because I know anything about him or because I'm into politics, it's just that I really don't like Linda Cropp. Why? Mainly because she was such a pain the last two years about getting the Nationals to DC. Her stance was that the money should be going to education. Someone once told me, and this has yet to be verified, but maybe that's where Shelf can help out, that behind NY and NJ, DC spends more money per capita on education...true? possible? I have no idea, but believing this has helped fuel my dislike for Linda Cropp.
Additionally, I am one who tends to believe a deal is a deal. There's little that upsets me more than watching a movie or a show like 24 when thieves have deals made and then one of them have an alterior motive and kills the partner...kind of like The Italian Job...that really grinded my gears. But the problem I had with Ms. Cropp is that Anthony Williams, mayor of DC, and MLB had a deal in place. Ms. Cropp didn't like it, so they tried to make concessions. She then said she liked it but still held up the process by stalling and flip flopping and all that other political crap. Add to this that once they finally were allowed to play and the Nationals had a successful first season in DC, Ms. Cropp was up to it again and there was more turmoil this off seaso to the point where the Nationals only recently settled a stadium deal, which delayed getting an owner in place, which meant the new stadium just broke ground less than a month ago.
Oh, and her husband was a professor of mine at GW. The class was business administration. He would tell us that on our exams we would have 8 ID questions and 7 short answer questions. Then he would give us 8 "examples" of ID questions and 7 "examples" of short answer questions. The man would give us the test ahead of time...there has to be some sort of ethical dilema with this. Of course, there were no complaints from the class and I was always terrified by the stupidity of those who got B's and C's in the tests (not joking, this actually happened), but for someone whose wife is so clearly rooted in education, how can you pull this kind of crap?
Anyway, I'm off to hear Mr. Fenty speak.
That was the most coherent thing ever on this blog. It actually made sense to me. But now that I think about it that may be saying more about me than about the author.
8:29 AM
i like it that you realize facts may not be true, but you use the "fact" to base judgements and you do not research into the validity of your stance.
11:49 AM
Fenty voted against the baseball stadium.
It's a good think you can't vote for him, since you clearly already have his balls in your mouth.
I probably shouldn't have insulted you, since you were nice to me today, but I had too, you know how that works.
1:50 PM
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
4:38 AM
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