Kickball Day

I almost don't know how it handle it. After last Thursday's post, I had text messages, e-mails and face to face questions wondering if we beat nWo.
At this point, everyone who cares would know that it was postponed. Until tonight.
It's cold. It's cold outside. It's cold in my office. It's cold in my heart when I question myself on taking this game easy. Unless we give up 12 runs or more, the worst we can be going into the playoffs is second place. We're not playing for that though. We're playing for #1. We're taking this game just as serious as we took the SAYD and Scoregasm games...just watch:
The team we're playing has been on our nuts all year. Well, maybe not the entire team, but their captain. In the beginning of the season, we laughed and enjoyed his hands cupping the collective balls of our team. It was warm, gentle and generally pleasant. Now, with the new cold weather, it's a nuisance. His hands are cold and that makes our balls shrivel. We don't want to play with him anymore and we'd rather quiet him up for good at this point. Essentially, we're taking our balls and going homo.
On paper, it should be a good game. Both teams have won all their games (8-0), both teams have scored a bunch of runs (QP-72, nWo-57) and both teams have not been scored on that much (QP-2, nWo-13). On paper, it's a pretty good match up with QP Live the slight favorite based on runs scored and runs given up. But that's paper....paper always gets fucked by scissors and we're going to dice these mofukas up something lovely.
These guys have not played anyone all season. Combined wins of their opponents: 20. Combined wins of our opponents: 30.
Sure, the schedule maker didn't know they were going to be as talented as they turned out to be but enough is enough. Will their brute force be enough to match our brute force? Can they handle our finesse? After seeing some of the games last night, I can tell you the ball doesn't travel all that far when kicked. It's going to make for an interesting display. QP is an all around team. Is nWo? No one knows because they haven't played anyone.
So now they get what they want. A match up with the top team in the division. A team that has been at the top of the league since it's first ever season. A team that has won a title in it's second season ever and has not lost since the first game of season 2. We're riding pretty high and we're playing pretty focused. I'm calling this one for QP Live.
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