i've work with a genius
don't be fooled by this picture, please. this is going somewhere:

so i was just in the bathroom. hence, the urinal picture...anyway, i walk in and there is a man at least in his 50s or 60s in there. he is a temp in my office. anyway, he is all the way at the last urinal, which is the shortest one there. this would be the one where you would find the 6 year old child who has his pants and underwear around his ankles with his thimble of a wanger hanging out, looking for his dad and on the verge of tears...comedy at it's best.
anyway, this dude, in a empty bathroom with 4 choices of urinals is at the smallest one...and he's not a midget. so i start to think about it...you know, why would a grown man use the smallest urinal? and then it hit me: no splash back. truly amazing what this guy has going through his mind....the lower the urinal, the less likely you will get a splash back onto your hands, shirt, tie or pants from the urinal...or if it hits your pants, it hits lower on your pants where you are less likely to touch during the day and therefore, not have pee all over you hands. this guy is a freakin genius. it is sad that most men's ties are a breading ground for disease, in part because of splash back...this guy wasn't even wearing a tie.
he is a model citizen and a trend setter. i'd pee there, but the divider is also pee wee sized and i need my privacy when i pee.
You have to wear a tie to werk? I'll think about that tomorrow when I go to work in my shorts and t-shirt.
11:07 PM
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