I can't be held responsible for the things I say or write...


Q.P. Live and Me

Shelf can eat a dick

we've all been there...first time we've touched a boob, no matter the age, and then the confidence grows. then the ego takes over and causes you to open your mouth when you shouldn't...and this has happend to out dog, top top top a shelf.

back off homie...i know your balls have a new odor to them now that they have slapped vag for the first time in a long time, but try not to jump all over those that have helped you out...additionally, your birthday is over son and the only person able to pull that kind of attitude and blame it on the birthday is this guy and that's barely holding on by a thread so if you're going to go and play it out, i'm gonna get really pissed when it's march 19th next year and we're still not celebrating my birthday.

i didn't think my nutz were all over fenty anyway...let me re-read my post for a second:

ok. i'm back. in that entire post, all i did was say i am excited to hear fenty speak...never did i claim to desire his balls in my mouth...after hearing him speak, he kind of has this odd speaking tongue about him, so i don't want to say he has had balls in his own mouth, or that his balls have been in some dudes mouth, but it may be possible....maybe not though because the co-worker who set this whole thing up knows him through his wife...so odds are his balls have been in her mouth, but the down low says as we speak he could be speaking through nuts...or maybe i touched a nerve on top top over the shelfrey and he secretly desired fenty's nuts...if that's the case, i apologize.

anyway, fenty's main goal is to improve the education of dc students...and what's amazing is that dc spends ~$13,000 per year per student...crazy right? even crazier is that he supported what i said in my previous post: that DC spends, per captia, more money on education that almost every other jursidiction in the country.

it sounded like he wanted to cut some money back the amount spent on each student and increase the accountability of the school administrators...

i look at politicians as it's their jobs to get me to like them...from what he was saying, for the most part, he accomplished this goal...however, if i had a vote in this city, i'd prefer to hear what linda cropp has to say...especially to hear how clear she can talk with shelf's nutz in her mouth...slut...BONG.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

4:38 AM


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