So i've been out of town for a few days in Sylacauga, Alabama for work. Nothing happens there. However, it's 39 miles from Birmingham, so we stayed there and actually had a pretty decent time while we were out and about. The food is good (there are lots of nice restaurants all around), I saw an amazing car accident where the back two wheels of the pickup truck were on top of the sedan it ran over and, most importantly, there are some fun bars where the women are "cool" and by cool i mean nothing like any girls in DC that I have ever come across...why? well take a gander at this photo:

Hopefully, this picture is clear enough for you. It was taken by my camera phone (yes, the new phone is here and it shits on the razor). What exactly are you looking at?
Well, we have a pool, so strange lighting, what appears to be a woman and then maybe some more hands around the back of her neck and then, is that what i think it is, no way, is that really j-e-l-l-o?
yes, yes it is. we found a bar that has jello wrestling and it was amazing. this was not naked jello wrestling because, like i said, we were at a bar, not a strip club. there were about 10-14 girls who were involved in this. and this was by no means all that was just amazing because these girls were kicking the crap out of each other. size didn't matter at all, it was all about how much you wanted it. you are getting an arial shot of the championship match and the girl in the green shorts won the whole thing...and she was the most attractive out of all of them, so you have to be happy about that...and she was no ugo. the girls, except for two large ones, were all very attractive.
seriously, these girls fought tough and it was awesome that as a result of being at this bar, we got hammered and didn't make the departure time to drive to where we were working and almost got fired. in the end, i had the car keys, so when we woke up 30 minutes after we left, we broke for the car...and then laughed about how amazing jello wrestling was/how we were still kind of drunk and had no idea how much trouble we were about to get into.
in the end, we were still early and never got reprimanded at all, which was a nice surprise.
also of note is that in alabama, i'm practically fluent in spanish. we were hanging out with these girls who were celebrating their friends birthday, which was in march, and one of them made some comment about me in spanish, to which i was there for a reply...out of no where, 3 of her friends all run to join the conversation and are amazed that i can speak spanish and i quickly find out that their spanish is the equivalent to my german. which is a two word phrase i learned in 3rd grade meaning good morning or something...couldn't really tell ya. but anyway, it was cool to feel like i had a superior knowledge of a language since their are 4 year olds whose english is far and away better than mine.
in conclusion, if you are ever in birmingham, go to bullfeathers around 12:30 am on friday morning